Sunday, May 17, 2020

Definition for the Java Term Loops

A loop is a way of repeating lines of code more than once. The block of code contained within the loop will be executed again and again until the condition required by the loop is met. For example, you could set up a loop to print out the even numbers between 1 and 100. The code that gets executed each time the loop is run will be the printing out of an even number, the condition the loop is looking to meet is reaching 100 (i.e., 2 4 6 8....96 98). There are two types of loops: Indeterminate - An indeterminate loop does not know how many times it will run. For example, you could search through an int array looking for a specific value. The most logical way would be to search each element of the array in order until you find the right value. You dont know if the value is in the first element or the last so the number of times you loop around checking the next element of the array is unknown. Indeterminate loops are the while and do..while loops.Determinate - AÂ  determinate loop knows exactly how many times it will loop. For example, if you want to know how much money youll be paid for the next twelve months minus tax you could perform the wage calculation 12 times. The determinate loop in Java is the for loop. Examples An indeterminate while loop to search for the number 10 in a randomly ordered int array: //int array of random numbers int[] numbers {1, 23, 56, 89, 3, 6, 9, 10, 123}; //a boolean variable that will act as the condition for the loop boolean numberFound false; int index 0; //this loop will continue running until numberFound true while (!numberFound) { System.out.println(Were looping around..); if (numbers[index] 10) { numberFound true; index; System.out.println(Weve found the number after index loops); } index; } A determinate for loop to display all the even numbers between 1 and 100: int number 0; //loop around 49 times to get the even numbers //between 1 and 100 for (int i1;i

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Dynamics Of Gender Formation - 1034 Words

Izabela Litwin Kate Hamilton 76-101 02.23.2016 The Dynamics of Gender Formation Although some people believe that the sex role theory or the socialization model of gender as a process, in which we absorb instructions prescribed by the social institutions to act in the acceptable way to our biological sex, is a trivial issue, it is in fact crucial in terms of today’s concern over the gender formation. This significance is accurately noticed by Raewyn Connell, a renown sociologist who proclaimed her views in the essay â€Å"Gender in Personal Life† published in Gender: in World Perspective. In her work, the author reveals the flaws of the socialization model, states that psychoanalysis provides a moderately better clarification for the contradictory character of human development and offers a solution that people should actively learn through the dynamic character of gender formation. According to Connell, therefore, the definition of how we acquire gender should not be represented by the socialization model of gender but rather through the emotional contradiction as a part of psychoanalysis and, more importantly, thorough the active and dynamic character of gender formation. First, the author is convinced that the socialization model should be discarded since, opposing to the theory of socialization model, there are many â€Å"patterns of masculinity and femininity† that influence what we learn from social institutions (Connell 96). She supports her claim by stating that there is anShow MoreRelatedRace, Class, Gender And Class Relations At A Real Estate Agency1313 Words   |  6 PagesRace, class and gender affect the work experience of almost all workers in the American market. The three main areas race, class, and gender interlock to form the matrix of domination because they interlock and overlap one another. 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Human Resource Management Business Service Sector

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management for Business Service Sector. Answer: Introduction: To introduce Human Resource Management in the Hospitality industry, it can be said that it is a general section off areas, within the service sector. This industry illustrates the uniform and superior quality of service to the clients. Hospitality industry incorporates planning of events, transportation, and several parts of the tourism sector, lodging, and much more. The hospitality industry shows the highest growth rate than any other industries. The hospitality industry is diverse in nature with unique responsibilities for the Human Resource Management. The dimensions of this industry are oriented towards the satisfaction of the guests. The products of the hospitality industry are perishable. It requires positive reputation to increase the market demand (Grosbois 2012). There are several issues which are shaping the workplace, like economic uncertainty, tight situations in the labour market, globalisation, and others. These have their effects on the workplace ethics, global practices, Human Resource disciplines, relation with the employees, and technological platforms. There were various challenges in these fields which were identified by the professionals. The assignment holds a critical analysis of these issues potential impact on the role of the Human Resource Management and how it changes the organizational goals and objectives. The details of the trends in the hospitality are discussed here with prescriptions for the issues which can be provided by the Human Resource Management (Bratton Gold, 2012). As argued by Jackson, Schuler, and Jiang (2014), the workplace in the hospitality industry is getting a new shape due to globalisation. People being able to travel around the world more freely increased the number of travelers. The international tourist arrivals were 674 million in the year 2000. This figure rose to 940 million in the year 2010. The income due to this increase has also increased largely. This industry has a lot to share to a countrys national income accounting. The problems can arise due to globalization are physical threats to the economy. The task for the Human Resource Management is to make sure that globalization is used as an active tool for the hospitality industry. The increased tourist arrivals can be used to flourish the hospitality sector of an economy. Investment in this area will attract more visitors. It is a part of the service industry. Thus, the quality of the service is also a vital attribute in a globalised market. Data Security is another big concern which affects both the employers and the employees. Breaching the data security of an economys hospitality industry can cause risks to the supply chain and policy projections. According to Stredwick (2013), this can increase workplace violence, social and in some extreme cases political instability. The place of business where an organization is working will be at severe risk which can cause physical insecurity or some other kinds of losses. Security breaches in the hospitality industry are critical. The managements have to prepare disaster plans to face these situations if the security gets breached. There can also be material breaches which result in deaths and injuries. The management is required to create securities such tight that it can help the economy to guard the industry. Due to constant evolving of cyber tools, breaching the security becomes easier if the security created becomes backdated. Hence, the security has to be updated with tim e. According to Hoque (2013), the hospitality industry is one of the most diverse regarding the guests and employee population. New cultural experiences are shared in this industry. Understanding different cultures and appreciation of the same is required in this sector to enhance interactions with the guests of diverse cultures, religions, races, genders, and others. Thus, training for this purpose is must to appreciate and accommodate people from different background. It enhances the delivery of proper ethical and satisfactory service. With more diversification, the number of people being employed in this industry is increasing rapidly. This way, hospitality industry gives strength to an economy. On the other hand, Storey (2014) stated that the tourists from the countries with stronger currency visiting a country with a weaker currency, thus, bring more income to the seconds economy. Discouraging discrimination and encouraging intercultural activities are required due to these reasons . Cultural, educational programs can be done to meet this problem. As discussed by Kehoe and Wright (2013), with the rise in the share of the hospitality industry in an economy, global competition is growing rapidly. To make the offerings more attractive to this industry, the quality of the services has to be more appealing towards the customers. Service is at the top of the requirement list of the guests. Without top quality service, the industry will lose its reputation, and it will give a bad blow to the earning capacity of an economy. It can be analyzed that the other industries which are benefited by the hospitality industry will also get affected by this. World class service providing thus is a necessity in the hospitality industry. Hotels, restaurants and other institutions representing the hospitality industry are increasing investments in increasing the value of the service they are providing. Customer satisfaction is directly linked to the financial outcomes in this industry. Retaining guests is a must to survive in this industry. The gove rnments of the countries with lower service quality thus need to see in to this matter. The need for skilled workers has risen in this industry since globalization. Attracting educated and skilled employees have become more difficult for the organizations operating in the hospitality industry. This situation needs the Human Resource Management to build an employer brand which can meet the criteria of this industry. A strong corporate social responsibility initiative has to be taken by this department. Global Relocations and immigration policies are thus coming up with the problems of the hospitality industry are unfolding. The competition for talent in this industry is influencing benefit strategies and changing compensation. The Human Resource Management has to make sure these problems are well addressed (Shaw, Park Kim, 2013). The technologies being used in this industry are changing every day. New talent networks, crowdsourcing, internal social networks increases the fluency in this industry. The market has been more transparent due to the heavy usage of social media. It makes managing a top quality virtual workforce necessary. The flexibility in the products and services are dependent on these networks. With the research and development going on, this industry will be more transparent in the future. The management can use this phenomenon. Social media can be utilized here to reach the customers and potential clients. An organization operating in the hospitality industry can use the social media to gauge the value of the service that is being provided to the customers. It can also be a platform for the organizations to interact with their loyal customers. Virtually all the available tourist services will include information from all over the globe. The globalization has ensured that a potential client can be from any part of the world. New technologies increase the marketing opportunities for an organization (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). As stated by Oke (2016), political unrest causes an economy many problems. For example, it hits the tourism sector directly as the demand in the market dries up due to the security risks caused by the unrest. The hospitality industry in total gets an adverse effect due to political and economic disturbances. Hiring Human Resource individuals and their decisions become more expensive. The budgets get shortened due to these reasons for an organization. Economic insecurity is another kind of security breach risk for the hospitality industry. This might lead to a recession of an economy. People employed in this sector will get unemployed. The industries related to this sector will also receive the same outcome. Hence, this problem has to be addressed by the economy's stakeholders. They have to ensure such political or economic unrest are properly handled with predetermined strategies. Implementation of the strategies depends on the efficiency level of the management. Falling short in doi ng so will cause havoc both in the industry and the economy of a country. Increasing the territorial boundaries reduces the number of guests of an organization. According to Hendry (2012), Data-driven analysis is the new need in the hospitality industry. The Human Resource Management is in the stressed situation because of this demand. But, the Human Resource Management of the hospitality industry is not capable of analyzing "big data" to create strategies for every possible outcome of an investment or disinvestment. These analyses can be used to understand the situations of a market and predict a trend line. This analysis can prescribe policies that can be used to change the course of an economy. For this purpose, the organizations can introduce a professional who deals with the data. These professionals expertise and the Human Resource Managements strategies can be used together to analyze a market and strategies can be developed from the results that have been extracted from the data (Marler Fisher, 2013). The global population demographic is rapidly shifting. The population from the working age group is not the ones who use global hospitality. These people mainly use the services of the local organizations. Hence, the management has to keep this in mind while creating strategies for providing service. The management has to design the services such that they satisfy the needs of those who are global travelers, coming from the non-working group background (Kulik et al., 2014). The future trend of the hospitality industry needs more efficiency and ethical strategies. More eco-lodgings and environmental friendly institutions with quality services will only ensure consistent demand. Mega hotels, where all types of facilities are available will have the upper hand in this industry. These facilities might incorporate shops, casinos, theme parks, theaters, and many others. According to Mello (2014), usage of more advanced technologies creates more efficiency. It adds to the value to the services provided here. The services which will be set up using advanced technologies will have more potential to earn more. The experience of the employees is necessary for this industry. In future, the labour market of this industry will face more demand for skilled and experienced employees. This will increase the wage for the skilled labour. The technology and internet will receive more emphasis in this industry as the time will change. The social network will become the best distribution channel in this industry. Shortly the Human Resource department has to see to these matters and create strategies for the present situations and future needs by analyzing the markets and estimating several economic factors. To achieve organizational goals, the strategic role of the Human Resource Management will require driving the organizational performance to its competitive edge and beyond. This will incorporate a matching process in the globalised economy. Integrating several strategies to get the most efficient outcome which will create a positive value and win over the rivals are the requirements the management will face. The Human Resource Management is responsible for creating an organizational culture which will be based on several ethical and moral backgrounds (Alfes et al., 2013). The role of this management will be ensuring an organization to be competitive on a global basis. Improving the quality, customer-oriented service, and innovation defines the strategic path for the management. This will help the Human Resource Management and the organization to retain during the times of merging and acquisitions (Purce, 2014). Conclusion: The conclusion can be drawn from the assignment incorporates several issues. The globalization has caused an integration of several markets under hospitality industry. The trends that are affecting the hospitality industry are increased security concern, diversity in the workforce composition, importance of high quality services, new technologies, population dynamics, and the relationship between the values added to the services and their ethical background. Environment-friendly institutions will be required as they can increase the efficiency of the scarce resources and make availing the services cheap. The strategic role of Human Resource Management has been cleared and magnified with time and clear understandings of the needs of the hospitality industry. There is a lot of scope for the management to improve the security, technology, quality of services, and others to make this industry more profitable. The ethical and the environmental issues have to be addressed more delicately to create global quality service. References: Alfes, K., Shantz, A. D., Truss, C., Soane, E. C. (2013). The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. The international journal of human resource management, 24(2), 330-351. Bratton, J., Gold, J. (2012). Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. de Grosbois, D. (2012). Corporate social responsibility reporting by the global hotel industry: Commitment, initiatives and performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 896-905. Hendry, C. (2012). Human resource management. Routledge. Hoque, K. (2013). Human resource management in the hotel industry: Strategy, innovation and performance. 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